4×5 Aspect Ratio

Nikon D300, 500mm PF, 1/2000s, f5.6, iso500

After watching Ben Home’s YouTube tutorial on aspect ratio topic, I practised using the concept to find out how that will impact the photo. After few trial and error on cropping this GBH, I find that it is harder to manage cropping 4×5 ratio than 2×3 ratio. It could be due to my preference and perception.

At the end, I kind of like this aspect ratio. It allows viewer to focus on the subject rather than the surrounding. I may try few more photos to explore the impact on this aspect ratio.

What’s your thought? Critiques and Comments are welcome.

5 replies to “4×5 Aspect Ratio

    1. I have never paid much attention to the aspect ratio during editing. Always used the same 3×2 ratio from the camera. I was so used to that format until I saw Ben Home’s youTube.


  1. Thanks for the link. I’ve been wrestling with this for a while when editing. I often crop to the aspect (and lines—usually branches) to where I think it looks best. But I’ve been thinking I should get a bit more consistent about it. You may see a change in my pix.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I used to do that as well. I struggled awhile to understand Ben’s idea. I could not understand why and how the aspect ratio could impact the photo. After few rounds of practicing, I have started to appreciate this idea. I have been using 4×5 aspect ratio since then and it works well for me.


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